Study and Scientific Library – Hradec Králové  ——  The Roof of the St. Pius Church  ——  Museum aan de Strom  ——  Interior of an outdoor store Český Ráj  ——  Sport and Relaxation Centre  ——  Technorama of Emil Škoda  ——  Fojtka family estate  ——  House by the third hole  ——  Horní Počernice II  ——  Náplavní 2/1772  ——  The Info-system of the Park at Letná  ——  The Barandov interior  

Loft conversion in Terronská  ——  Arabská Highschool  ——  Nebušice family house  
Letenské sady  ——  Family house in Semčice  ——  Glass and Bijouterie Museum  ——  High Museum of Art  

Glass and Bijouterie Museum – Jablonec nad Nisou

In the middle of Jablonec nad Nisou, in a secession building two independent exhibitions came into existence. Both exhibitions are interconnected via geographic context and the presented technological process of production. Each visitor is indrawn into the world of glass and bijouterie via interactive elements of the exhibits, various plays instigating important context, characteristic details or direct physical contact with the exhibits. Both exhibitions offer various levels of cognizance, ranging from overall review to detail information about chosen objects. A children’s studio for the younger visitors is also part of the exhibition.

The realization of the project took place while working in the architectonic studio Hlaváček & partner.

The project was awarded first prize in the National competition Gloria Musaealis in the Museum enterprise of the year 2004 category.

author:Dalibor Hlaváček, Michal Hlaváček, Pavla Hlaváčková
cooperation:Ondřej Kamenický, Vlastimil Mládek, Leopoldina Novotná